Prohibition of Trading over Trading (Offer over Offer) in Islam and its Harmful Effects on Halal Cer
It has been truly said that where there is a progress, there is a decline. It is a fact that there comes a moral decline […]
It has been truly said that where there is a progress, there is a decline. It is a fact that there comes a moral decline […]
Consuming Halal is obligatory for a Muslim and when he becomes responsible for the other Muslims, feeding and providing them with Halal foods also become […]
A while ago, the Halaal Certification Body of Malaysia – JAKIM – objected to a multinational franchise labelling a Halaal product as “Hot Dog”. Though […]
The Shari’ah Advisor: Eligibility and Responsibilities
The Shari'ah status of labelling a Halaal product with a name which has a connotation with Haraam
Halaal Evaluation Of Ingredients
Note: This is English translation of Fatawa regarding Non-Halaal Slaughtered Animal Rennet, issued by Pakistan’s Most Reputable Fatwa Centre, Dar_ul_Ifta Jamia Uloom_e_ Islamiyah, Banuri Town, […]