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Halaal Research

04 Feb 2022

Prohibition of Trading over Trading (Offer over Offer) in Islam and its Harmful Effects on Halal Cer

It has been truly said that where there is a progress, there is a decline. It is a fact that there comes a moral decline […]

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11 Dec 2021

Pakistan’s Halal Structure

Consuming Halal is obligatory for a Muslim and when he becomes responsible for the other Muslims, feeding and providing them with Halal foods also become […]

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16 Sep 2018

The Shari’ah Rulings regarding Labelling a Haraam Product as Halaal

A while ago, the Halaal Certification Body of Malaysia – JAKIM – objected to a multinational franchise labelling a Halaal product as “Hot Dog”. Though […]

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12 Mar 2018

The Halaal System of Pakistan

The history of Halaal Certification in Pakistan

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21 Nov 2017

Halaal Standardization

Shariah Principles for Halaal Standardization

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20 Nov 2017

Eligibility and Responsibilities

The Shari’ah Advisor: Eligibility and Responsibilities

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20 Nov 2017

The Shari’ah status of labeling a Halaal product with a name which has a connotation with Hara

The Shari'ah status of labelling a Halaal product with a name which has a connotation with Haraam

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20 Nov 2017

The Shariah Rules Regarding Vinegar

The Shariah Rules Regarding Vinegar

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20 Nov 2017

Shari’ah Guidelines for Ingredient’s Evaluation in Halaal Certification System

Halaal Evaluation Of Ingredients

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20 Nov 2017

The Shari’ah Ruling Regarding Non-Halaal Slaughtered Animal Rennet

Note: This is English translation of Fatawa regarding Non-Halaal Slaughtered Animal Rennet, issued by Pakistan’s Most Reputable Fatwa Centre, Dar_ul_Ifta Jamia Uloom_e_ Islamiyah, Banuri Town, […]

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