It is imperative for every Halaal Certification Body to have a Shari’ah Advisor because the entire organisation is based on confirming the Halaal nature of any given product. As long as the organisation does not have access to the services of a reliable ‘Aalim or Mufti, its certificates will not hold much weight. Similarly, if a person is not a reliable ‘Aalim or mufti, his services (as a Shari’ah Advisor) will be of no benefit. A reliable ‘Aalim or mufti is one who completed his religious studies at a reputable institute and he is in possession of verifiable and authentic documentation to prove it. In the jargon of Halaal Standards, this is referred to as “identification and traceability” by means of which one is able to establish some-one’s eligibility for the post. Merely knowing Arabic or adding the word “‘Aalim” to your name because of self-study is tantamount to deception in both Deen and Dunyaa.
In light of this, the Pakistan Halaal Standard has made it conditional for any Shari’ah Advisor to hold a certificate and qualification from any one of the five Religious Federations (وفاق المدارس). The very same principle applies to every other field of expertise in the world – everyone who wants to be associated with a specific field will have to achieve a qualification in that subject from a reliable institute. Even in general fields of expertise, no-one is called “surgeon” or “engineer” or “chartered accountant” just because he has some experience or because he has read some books regarding the subject. Furthermore, no reliable institute will ever vouch for such an individual either.
Mufti Yousuf ‘Abdur-Razzaaq Khan
SANHA Halaal Associates Pakistan PVT Ltd.
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