Pakistan Halaal Assembly 2018
Government College University Faisalabad
21/22 March, 2018
Praise to have successfully ended.
Experts from Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Kuwait, Malaysia, Thailand, Bosnia, Gambia, China and from many other countries attended the program. Various experts from Pakistan with background from government, private sector, university VC’s, food scientists and standard specialist attended the program. Among other experts, Ulemas and Muftis were also invited to share their knowledge related to various Islamic issues…
Mufti Yousuf Abdul Razaq – SANHA Halaal Associates Pakistan presented the presentation on “Shariah Principle for Halaal Standardization” and Mufti Syed Arif Ali Shah presented a presentation on “Shariah Standards for Animals Feed.” Recognizing the efforts of Halaal in Pakistan, guests from Kuwait were convinced that Pakistan is doing tremendous research for Halaal and they see Pakistan playing a key role in this world of Halaal.
At the end of the program SANHA Pakistan presented various Halaal related books to participants, speakers and vice chancellor of Government College University Faisalabad. SANHA Pakistan praised the efforts of program organizers, participants and speakers to hold a successful program.