The Halaal System of Pakistan
The history of Halaal Certification in Pakistan
The history of Halaal Certification in Pakistan
Shariah Principles for Halaal Standardization
Note: This is English translation of Fatawa regarding Non-Halaal Slaughtered Animal Rennet, issued by Pakistan’s Most Reputable Fatwa Centre, Dar_ul_Ifta Jamia Uloom_e_ Islamiyah, Banuri Town, Karachi. Original Urdu Fatawa web link is given at the end. English translation and publication by: SANHA HALAL ASSOCIATES PAKISTAN. The Shari’ah Ruling Regarding Non-Halaal Slaughtered Animal Rennet Question: I would like to know what the Muftis say about the following issue: Some time ago, while discussing whether animal rennet is Halaal or Haraam in a program regarding Halaal food, a certain mufti said that “rennet is used when making cheese and it can be derived from (the stomachs of) lambs, calves or piglets. The lambs or calves are slaughtered after they have drunk milk and while the milk is still in their stomachs. The milk which is removed has a fermenting effect and causes liquids to solidify. This is rennet. If the […]