The Mark Of Halaal Integrity Since 2005


Suite 103, 2nd Floor, Plot 11-C, Lane 9, Zamzama Comm..

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09 : 00 A.M - 05 : 00 P.M

Halaal Research

A while ago, the Halaal Certification Body of Malaysia – JAKIM – objected to a multinational franchise labelling a Halaal product as “Hot Dog”. Though this product does not contain any dog meat and could be made from Halaal chicken or beef, and even pork, nevertheless, it is popularly known as a hot dog. As a result, the company was forced to change the product’s name and the news went viral on social media. We were saddened to learn that there were even Muslims consumers who mocked JAKIM for their stance and it is indicative of the masses’ ignorance regarding matters of Halaal and Haraam. Thus, a decision was made at a weekly juristic) FIQHI( meeting at the Shari’ah Research Department of SANHA Pakistan that Mufti Sayyid ‘Arif ‘Ali Shah would prepare an article regarding this matter and – Alhamdulillaah – He has prepared an extremely beneficial article called “Giving […]